Alternative Therapies For Pets
Hello everyone and welcome to this episode of Val Talk’s Pets. Today we’ll be looking into the world of Alternative Therapies For Pets. In keeping with my series on natural […]
Trends For 2025 Val Cairney
Alternative Therapies – An Interview With Theresa Gilligan Val Cairney
Theresa has been riding and training horses for over 25 years. She has a special affinity for thoroughbreds and their rehabilitation. Theresa is the owner of Neachai Equine Ayurveda, and is certified in Ayurvedic medicine and currently enrolled in the Ayurveda doctorate program. She is also a certified Animal Neuro Myofascial Practitioner and practices Cranial Osteopathy. Theresa travels throughout North America advocating for and treating horses, humans and dogs through the practice of Ayurveda.
According to Ayurveda, there are three primary forces or biological humors in the body called ‘Doshas’. The Doshas bind together the five elements; space, air, fire, water and earth. The tri-doshas are Vata, Pitta and Kapha.
In Ayurvedic medicine, the keyword is balance, between body, mind and spirit. Health, therefore, is defined as soundness of body (sharira), mind (manas) and Self or soul (atman). Each of these must be nurtured if the individual, human or animal, is to create health.
The goal of Ayurveda is to help each person discover a personal knowledge of living healthy and long.
Many people understand the concept of following a nutritional system and lifestyle based on their body type, personality and condition. Animals are no different, and according to Ayurvedic principles, these “types” are separated into three (or a variation of the three). There are substantial differences between Vata, Pitta and Kapha doshas, from the varying physical depictions to accompanying personalities.
Each dosha represents specific areas of the body. Each governed by its own functional requirements. This is a very simple description of the age old medical system Ayurveda, however, this introduction will hopefully open your heart and mind to a scientific, clinically proven, natural health system. It truly is “all natural…the way they deserve it”
For more information on Ayurveda and the services provided by Neachai Equine Ayurveda, please visit:
You can call Neachai Equine Ayurveda at: (905) 329-8598
Banner picture by Elina Sazonova from Pexels
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Tagged as: Neachai, Ayurvedic, Animal Neuro Myofascial, Cranial Osteopathy, Theresa Gilligan.
Hi everyone, and welcome to Val Talk’s Pets, the forum for pet parents and enthusiasts alike. So, I have been working in the pet industry now for almost 10 years and, on a daily basis, I handle a lot of issues and questions arising from pet parents. I am not a veterinarian but I do have certifications in Canine, Feline, Small Animal, Fish and Herptile and Avian Health and Nutrition from the University of California, Davis Extension, the Vet College.
Val Cairney April 30, 2021
Hello everyone and welcome to this episode of Val Talk’s Pets. Today we’ll be looking into the world of Alternative Therapies For Pets. In keeping with my series on natural […]
Val Cairney August 23, 2024
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